Arthur Gain Palette

From $26.82 To $289.44

Regular Price $29.80 To $321.60

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The colors on the palette used by Arthur Gain and the colors he uses in his workshops. Select the colors you want and get 10% off the regular price.

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Arthur Gain Palette
Arthur Gain Palette

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    Arthur Gain is a Russian figurative artist currently based in Spain, near Barcelona. Though widely self-taught, he attended workshops and took private tuition from internationally renowned painters and teachers. His path to becoming an artist was not direct. Being a passionate draftsman since childhood, he had made a successful career as a commercial illustrator and graphic designer in his youth; in his twenties, he became a creative director in the advertisement industry, working for major international clients. In his early thirties, he moved from Moscow to Asia and began a journey of self-discovery through the practice of traditional authentic Yoga and Buddhist meditation, which finally led him to realize that representational art is his true vocation. Nowadays, he continues to develop his craft as an artist and shares his knowledge and approach by teaching painting at the Barcelona Academy of Art, giving workshops and private lessons, and making online instructional videos. His works are acclaimed in various competitions and exhibitions such as ARC International Salon, ModPortrait, BoldBrush, and others.

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    BrandRublev Colours
    VendorNatural Pigments
    Processing TimeUsually ships within 2-3 business days.
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