Luminous Flux Studio Portrait Course Materials List

From $99.27 To $408.02

Regular Price $110.30 To $453.35

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The colors and artist materials used in the workshops of the Luminous Flux Gallery and taught by Aloria Weaver and David Heskin. Select the materials you want and get 10% off the regular price.

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1 x Titanium White 50ml   + $22.77

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Luminous Flux Studio
Luminous Flux Studio

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    Aloria Weaver and David Heskin teach Advanced Portrait Painting which delves deep into the properties and working characteristics of oil paint and oil painting mediums. 

    Indirect (layered) painting techniques are explored from start to finish, adjusting the formulas of our mediums to suit each painting stage. They de-mystify traditional materials and mediums and make a connection to the elemental sources from which oil painting supplies are sourced.

    This is an Advanced Course. It is open to all levels; however, a working knowledge of value relationships (darks to lights) and a solid drawing foundation are necessary. Practicing artists tend to gain the most out of their intensive courses. Wherever students are on their art path, they can use the hands-on knowledge in this course to expand their skills to new levels of understanding and comfort with the complex array of artists' available materials.

    Students must have a small selection of specific brushes, oil paints, mediums, and panels. The following artist materials are required for this course:

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    BrandRublev Colours
    VendorNatural Pigments
    Processing TimeUsually ships within 2-3 business days.
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