Egyptian Blue Pigment

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Egyptian Blue is a copper calcium silicate that was the first synthetic pigment and the most extensively used from the early dynasties in Egypt until the end of the Roman period in Europe.

Egyptian Blue is a copper calcium silicate that was the first synthetic pigment and the most extensively used from the early dynasties in Egypt until the end of the Roman period in Europe.

Pigment Names
Common Names:English: Egyptian blue
French: bleu Egyptien
German: Ägyptisch Blau
Italian: blu egiziano
Russian: Египетская синь
Spanish: azul egipcio
Historical Names:English: blue frit, copper frit, Alexandrian blue, Pompeian blue, Pozzuoli blue, Vestorian blue
French: bleu fritte, bleu d'Alexandrie, bleu de Pompeí, bleu de Pouzzoles
German: Frittenblau
Greek: kyanos
Italian: azzuro egiziano
Latin: caeruleum
Common NamePrimary MineralSource
Egyptian BlueCuprorivaiteEngland


Pigment Information
Pigment Classification:Synthetic Inorganic
Colour Index:Pigment Blue 31 (77437)
Chemical Name:Copper Calcium Silicate
Chemical Formula:CaCuSi4O10 or CaOCuO(SiO2)4)
CAS No.:10279-60-4
Series No.:7
ASTM Lightfastness
Acrylic:Not Listed
Oil:Not Listed
Watercolor:Not Listed
Physical Properties
Particle Size (mean):5 microns
Refractive Index:α=1.636, β=1.591
Oil Absorption:22 grams oil / 100 grams pigment
Health and SafetyThere are no acute or known chronic health hazards associated with the anticipated use of this product (most chemicals are not fully tested for chronic toxicity). Always protect yourself against potentially unknown chronic hazards of this and other chemical products by keeping them out of your body. Do this by avoiding ingestion, excessive skin contact, and inhalation of spraying mists, sanding dusts and vapors from heating. Conforms to ASTM D-4236.

For a detailed explanation of the terms in the table above, please visit Composition and Permanence.

Origin and History

The invention of the process of manufacturing Egyptian blue during the first dynasties of ancient Egypt, beginning about 3100 B.C.E., was a consequence of other technical developments. It has been suggested that a blue frit was developed for use as a glaze and later as a powdered pigment.


The pigment Egyptian blue was always a manufactured product. The pigment is made by combining quartz, chalk (calcium carbonate), malachite (copper carbonate) and soda ash (sodium carbonate) and heated from 900° to 1000° C.

Permanence and Compatibility

Egyptian blue is completely stable in all vehicles. It is completely light fast. Egyptian blue was mixed with different pigments and used with lime on frescoes.

Oil Absorption and Grinding

Egyptian blue absorbs a small amount of oil (22 g oil per 100 g of pigment).


Egyptian blue contains cooper, which is rated as toxic from prolonged exposure if inhaled or ingested. Care should be used in handling the dry powder pigment to avoid inhaling the dust.

For more information on how to handle pigments safely, please visit How to Safely Handle Art Materials and Pigments.

More Information
BrandRublev Colours
VendorNatural Pigments
Processing TimeUsually ships the next business day.
Pigment TypeInorganic, Historical, Synthetic

Health & Safety: There are no acute or known chronic health hazards with the anticipated use of this product (most chemicals are not thoroughly tested for chronic toxicity). Protect yourself against potentially unknown chronic hazards of this and other chemical products by avoiding ingestion, excessive skin contact, and inhaling spraying mists, sanding dust, and concentrated vapors from heating. Contact us for further information or consult the SDS for more information. Conforms to ASTM D-4236.

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