Venetian Medium 50ml
Venetian Medium is an oil-painting medium based on the research that 16th-century Venetian painters added powdered glass to their paint. Venetian Medium contains leaded crystal glass powder, the palest-bodied linseed oil, sun-thickened walnut oil with small amounts of wax, odorless mineral spirits, and lead drier. Spread thinly onto the surface and paint directly into it as a couch or add directly to the paint nut. Smooths the edges of the brush or knife strokes. Venetian Medium is fast setting and dries to a satin finish.
Directions: Spread thinly onto the surface and paint directly into it or mix directly into the paint on the palette to give colors a flowing consistency that holds brush strokes yet dries to a satin finish. Use to oil out or as a painting couch by rubbing a thin layer onto completely dried paint. Gives paint a more extended, flowing consistency.
Recommendation: To prevent Venetian Medium from skinning in the can while in storage, add a small amount of linseed oil, covering the surface of the medium.
WARNING! CONTAINS LEAD AND MINERAL SPIRITS. Do not take it internally. Avoid eye and skin contact. Avoid prolonged exposure by inhalation. Use with adequate ventilation. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN AND PETS. Conforms to ASTM D 4236 health requirements.
SKU | 530-31002 |
Brand | Rublev Colours |
Vendor | Rublev Colours |
Processing Time | Usually ships the next business day. |
Size | 50 ml |
California Proposition 65: This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.