Vacuum-Bodied Linseed Oil (Extra High Viscosity)

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Vacuum-Bodied Linseed Oil with low acid values and light in color. This stand oil gives gloss, brushabilty and non-yellowing characteristics when compared to other bodied or "stand" oils. See more characeristics below

Stand oil is is heat treated and polymerized (thickened) oil. This heat-bodied oil is made from well-refined linseed oil from American flax seeds that is cooked in vacuum-kettles. Vacuum-Bodied Linseed Oils are perhaps the finest heat-polymerized oils available. Made by a special vacuum process, they possess low acid numbers and exceptionally light color. All viscosities (see table below) give superior gloss, flow, brushability, and non-yellowing characteristics compared to ordinary heat-bodied oils. They yellow less than bodied oils obtained by conventional open-kettle cooking and unbodied oils. Low-temperature vacuum cooking keeps gelatin to a minimum and prevents thickening or “livering.” We supply these oils in four standard viscosities from low to extra-high. Meets Federal Specification TT-L-201, Type 2.

Vacuum-bodied linseed oil is a stand oil that gives gloss, brushabilty and non-yellowing characteristics when compared to other stand or bodied oils. Bodied oils form harder films than raw or refined linseed oil, including cold-pressed oil.


Add to oil paint to increase brushability, gloss, flow and level out and hold out. Start with 10% and gradually increase to 30%. As you increase you will the proportion of bodied oil to oi paint or oil painting medium, you will experience more tackiness and drag while brushing and increased gloss in the dried paint film.

Adding large amounts of bodied oil may increase the tendency of oil paint to wrinkle (alligator). Adding as little as 10% by volume of bodied oil to painting mediums increases the viscosity of the medium and slows the drying time.

Use turpentine, spike oil or mineral spirits as the solvent for bodied oils and for brush and studio clean up.

Origin and History

The term "stand oil" is derived from the Dutch word that designated a drying oil heat treated and aged by standing in tanks. Later it applied to oils that were bodied by heat treating for prolonged periods in open kettles. Stand oil, invented in the 19th century, replaced Venice turpentine and sun-thickened linseed oil in artists' painting mediums. Stand oil leaves an enamel-like finish to paint. Bodied oils form harder films and yellow less than refined or raw linseed oils, including cold-pressed oils. The use of the term "stand oil" is antiquated since bodied oils today are processed differently than those in the 19th century.


Linseed oil is a yellowish drying oil derived from the dried ripe seeds of the flax plant (Linum usitatissimum, Linaceae).

Product Information
Natural Source:Linseed Linum usitatissimum
CAS No.:8001-26-1
Typical Fatty Acid Profile
Linoleic Acid:24.1%
Linolenic Acid:47.4%
Oleic Acid:19.0%
Palmitic Acid:6.0%
Stearic Acid:2.5%
Typical Properties
Acid Value (mg KOH/g):1–31–31–31–3
Color (Gardner, Maximum):6666
Iodine Value:115–130115–130115–130115–130
Viscosity (Gardner-Holt at 25 °C):Z2+ – Z3-Z4- – Z4+Z6+ – Z7-Z8- – Z8+
Appearance (at 25 °C):Clear/TransparentClear/TransparentClear/TransparentClear/Transparent
Specific Gravity (at 25 °C):0.9600.9600.9600.960
Weight Per Gallon (at 25 °C):7.99 lbs.8.00 lbs.8.03 lbs.8.03 lbs.

Health and Safety

There are no acute or known chronic health hazards associated with the anticipated use of this product (most chemicals are not fully tested for chronic toxicity). Always protect yourself against potentially unknown chronic hazards of this and other chemical products by keeping them out of your body. Do this by avoiding ingestion, excessive skin contact, and inhalation of spraying mists, sanding dusts and vapors from heating. Conforms to ASTM D-4236.

WARNING: Rags or paper towels contaminated with vegetable drying oils, particularly those containing iron oxide pigments are susceptible to spontaneous combustion. To prevent unexpected fires, used rags or paper towels contaminated with oil-based materials should be collected in a closable, air-tight container. Store water-dampened rags or paper towels in a metal container with an air-tight top. Alternately, washing contaminated rags will remove contaminating materials and eliminate risk.

For more information on how to handle artist's materials safely, please read How to Safely Handle Art Materials and Pigments.


For best results store in a cool, dry place tightly closed.

More Information
BrandRublev Colours
VendorNatural Pigments
Processing TimeUsually ships the next business day.

Health & Safety: There are no acute or known chronic health hazards with the anticipated use of this product (most chemicals are not thoroughly tested for chronic toxicity). Protect yourself against potentially unknown chronic hazards of this and other chemical products by avoiding ingestion, excessive skin contact, and inhaling spraying mists, sanding dust, and concentrated vapors from heating. Contact us for further information or consult the SDS for more information. Conforms to ASTM D-4236.

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Vacuum-Bodied Linseed Oil (Extra High Viscosity)
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