Kölner Rapid Stone Mason Gilding Size

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Kölner Rapid System are acrylic adhesives for outdoor use, specially developed for stonemasonry needs. Learn more about Kölner Rapid System.

WARNING: This item is subject to freeze/thaw damage. Please check winter weather conditions before ordering this product.




Kolner Rapid (Clear) 100ml


Kolner Rapid (Clear) 100ml

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Kolner Rapid (Yellow) 100ml


Kolner Rapid (Yellow) 100ml

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Kölner Rapid is an acrylic adhesive for indoor and outdoor use, specially developed for gilding on stone. Gilding outdoors, for example, on a construction site or cemetery, can be done quickly and with the highest quality.

Kölner Rapid is a specially developed adhesive for gilded, chiseled, carved, or sand-blasted letters. Typical examples of uses include lettering on monuments, tombstones, or household number plates. Using the Kölner Rapid system, letters can be gilded quickly, resulting in a high-quality, glossy gilding that can last many years outdoors.

Apply it undiluted to the stone surface in one smooth coat. Wait approximately 15 minutes (depending on the thickness of the Kölner Rapid layer, temperature, and humidity). If needed, apply a second layer of Kölner Rapid or start gilding. Ensure the Kölner Rapid layer is completely dry before gilding. After Kölner Rapid is dry, you have about eight hours of open time to complete your gilding. This quick drying size and generous working time make it ideal for gilding out work on-site. The finish of the gilding on headstones is better than those gilded using traditional oil size and has better longevity.

Kölner Rapid is available in two colors, Clear and Yellow. The Yellow size makes a perfect undercoat for gold leaf.

Note: Kölner Rapid is designed to gild stone letters. If you wish to gild other surfaces, we recommend the Kölner Instacoll system.

When using Kölner Rapid, it is essential to remember the difference between gilded lettering on upright stone surfaces and that on horizontal stones. Rainwater can pool in the lettering on stones lying down, causing heavier than anticipated weathering and resulting in a shorter lifetime of the gilding compared to lettering on upright stones. It is also essential to allow a longer drying time for the Kölner Rapid system if used on lettering horizontal stone surfaces.

Apply Kölner Rapid adhesive undiluted in one or two generous coats with a brush for best results. Allow 15 minutes of drying time between coats. Begin gilding 15 minutes after applying the final coat of adhesive. It is possible to gild with a high gloss up to 3 days later (depending on humidity and ambient temperature). Several adhesive layers can be applied if the stone's surface is highly absorbent. It should be noted that one layer must always be dry before another is applied. Sealing the stone is not necessary. 

For larger areas, Kölner Rapid can also be sprayed after diluting with a maximum of 8% distilled water. A high-volume, low-pressure (HPLV) sprayer with a nozzle width of 1–1.5 mm is recommended.

Kölner Rapid should be applied with a brush. We recommend flat synthetic hair brushes.

We recommend our Aurum 23.5 karat Gold Leaf for outdoor use.

More Information
BrandKölner Gilding Products
VendorKölner Gilding Products
Processing TimeUsually ships the next business day.
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